James Lovelock

Apparently James Lovelock is saying that democracy will have to be “put on hold for a while” in order to deal with climate change.

I don’t need to write much, I can refer my readers to the answer I gave previously the last time this idea was raised.

I would just add that the idea that democracy is a good way of managing everything except the climate seems about as likely as the idea that it’s a good way of deciding everything except MP’s salaries.

One thought on “James Lovelock”

  1. I've read that but look at what he said, at the Royal society, as reported in the Times http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/guest_contributors/article7061020.ece
    – that only the sceptics have kept the debate "sane" & he also said something elsewhere about mankind possibly having staved off an ice age.

    Looking at the Guardian interview it contains very few actual quotes from Lovelock & a lot from the Guardianista. Lovelock, Times version, has clearly changed his mind & the Guardian article looks like selective editing to conceal that.

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