Neoreaction and dynasties

There was an amusing little tiff on Twitter last week illustrating one
of the choices in the neoreactionary position.
Marko Sket admiringly posted a quote from Vladimir Putin:

If minorities prefer Sharia Law, then we advise them to go to those
places where that’s the state law. Russia does not need
minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special
privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter
how loud they yell ‘discrimination’

This led to some exploration of the idea of Putin becoming a proper
Tsar, put first by
and whether he has sons, etc.
While kicking over the possibilities and difficulties, Arthur
R. Harisson
chimes in with:

Why are we going around choosing kings? Maria
Vladimirovna is the Empress. End of story. Crown her.

So there we have it: does neoreaction mean a strong, realist leader
like Putin taking on more of the beneficial aspects of traditional
rule, such as a secure hereditary succession, or does it mean the
literal restoration of long-deposed dynasties like the Romanovs?

3 thoughts on “Neoreaction and dynasties”

  1. there are a few examples: British Restoration with Charles II, the Bourbon Restoration in 1814, and the two Spanish Restorations (the one following the brief first republic in the 19th century, and the more famous one in 1975 after Franco's death).

    To be fair, none of those had as long a period of republican interim rule as the now 96 year and counting interim in Russia.

    Still, if a restoration were to occur in Russia with the Romanovs returning, the person to push it through (and likely be appointed Chancellor and de facto head of government) would be Putin. If an 80%+ approval rating, widespread military support, control of the security services, media control and "tough" reputation abroad are not enough to be able to do it… then I don't think it's ever going to happen.

  2. The problem with your thinking is that Vladimirovna is only recognised as Empress by some because the senior line has intermarried with commoners. (It is a great solecism to use the word Tsar and Tsarina for the Russian Emperor: Poland and Kazakhstan had Tsars, not Russia, which was an Empire.) So if the offspring of Putin intermarry with those of Maria Vladimirovna, then they too should be passed over for the succession.

    Looking forward to your next post, it is a bit optimistic to expect that you can have clarity over a succession. The succession is always unclear in a monarchy: the job of politicians is to muddy the waters. It is here that the intrinsic silliness of the institution emerges: when deciding whether A or B should be the next ruler, is it not better to examine the track record of A, rather than rumours that he was smuggled into his mother’s accouchement in a warming-pan, or was really fathered by the Queen’s secretary, or that his father had actually married Bessie Bloggs before the Queen, making A illegitimate?

    Royal infants however are not a problem, largely because they get done in adult heirs (Arthur of Britanny by John Lackland, Princes in Tower by Richard Crookback.)

    Putin is a politician: his dynasty will last at most 50 years, by which time people will be sick of it.

  3. I wouldn't be sick of President Putin, not even he rules until his death. The Social immortality of the West (where I live) has made me decide to move to Russia when I get the funds (so long as they as the Russian Establishment remains Socially UltraConservative, as it currently is, under President Putin). That may never happen, as White people, particularly poor White Christians, are given NO advantages in the USA , and I'll probably work for minimum wage until I die, never be able to go to University, and never get a good paying job here in the USA. My dream is to learn Russian and return to the Motherland (I'm Slavic, mixed with 25% French), and work as a translator, an aide, or even a secretary to my hero, and the greatest leader (and tge greatest man) of the 21st century, the Great Russian President Vladimir I. Putin, the greatest man on the face of the planet.

    It would be an honour to take a bullet for him.

    ONE DAY, the ENTIRE World will see President Putin as the greatest man in our generation, as I do.

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